Diploma in IT Support
【Success is to do a little more thanrivals, persevering】
From Eduvo Academy, I had enhanced my soft skills in presentation hardware skill in Information Technology. When my 1st attendance in Eduvo Academy. I have taken the course of Professional Diploma in IT Support for around one year. I have learned technical skills and there are many others knowledge and experience while participate in this society. Since repairing PC and troubleshoot is my favorite part. Thanks to Eduvo for giving me a chance to study 70% practical instead of mostly theory. A new experience and new way to learn. I have also learned a lot of things such as how to create resume, slides & many more. I have learned more than just how I wanted too.
Thanks to Eduvo & Alvin with part of journey.
恭喜咱们家的 Joveeta Presanna Peter ,完成Professional Diploma in IT Support. 🤝🤝🤝
我们感到非常的骄傲与光荣,祝福所有Eduvo Academy 学生们前程似锦,继续保持好学的态度,相信未来的你人生更辉煌⭐⭐⭐,前程似锦哦