Diploma in IT Support
【 不为失败找借口,要为成功找方法?】
Finally graduated from Eduvo Academy after 1 year of study. I was attracted to study at Eduvo Academy because the duration of study is short but all on point. I had gain a lot very useful IT knowledge and skills.
I’m very grateful to have teachers in Eduvo Academy because they have been providing such good skills and knowledge to us. When I have difficulties to understand on lesson and assignment, they will guide me to done it.
Lastly, I would like to thanks all the teachers, trainers, staff from Eduvo for providing good Education for me.
I ♥ Eduvo
恭喜咱们家的 Kok Chin Hong ,完成Professional Diploma in IT Support. ???
我们感到非常的骄傲与光荣,祝福所有Eduvo Academy 学生们前程似锦,继续保持好学的态度,相信未来的你人生更辉煌???